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School promotional video & video prospectus

By May 5, 2016March 23rd, 2020Education Sector

Effective marketing for eduction – school promotional video & video prospectus production

The dawn of digital marketing signalled a sea change in the way that companies and organisations communicated with their customers. Initially the early pioneers were larger forward thinking brands who had the financial muscle to harness the skills needed to capitalise on the changing way in which people were willing to engage with corporations.

Today though, digital marketing and video marketing in particular has become accessible and useful for even the smallest organisation and is being used in a wide range of sectors. Notably the education sector has especially embraced the opportunity and effectiveness of video marketing in order to provide user friendly and contemporary lines of communication.

School Promotional Video & Video Prospectus for schools, colleges and universities are now an important way that they welcome new pupils, encourage admissions and communicate with pupils, parents and the wider world.

School Promotional Video & Video Prospectus

Digital Marketing

Marketing for schools and colleges is relatively new. But there are many interesting parallels for other sectors who may be eyeing the potential of what digital marketing can do for them. Traditionally schools didn’t require much in terms of comms and marketing – many state schools were located in areas where admissions came from feeder schools and the local catchment area, while private schools and universities relied upon reputation and results to form the main part of their appeal.

Fast forward to today. Parents now have a world of information at their fingertips and it takes seconds to Google potential schools when filling in admissions forms for their children. Schools, colleges and universities need to ensure that not only are they top of the search results, but also that the links shown are useful, interesting and relevant.  Parents can easily make assumptions about the school’s quality of education by the quality of the material available online.

Schools can potentially lose funding and slip down league tables if they do not reach their admissions targets, so ensuring that they cultivate a positive and engaging online presence to prospective parents is key to strengthening their overall appeal and maximising their admission capacity.

School Promotional Video & Video Prospectus

Likewise, private schools, colleges and universities are all too aware that the parents, and more importantly students, who may be viewing them online will desire a location that provides excellent education and opportunity. For colleges and universities, the potential student may also require that the establishment offer an exciting lifestyle and social appeal as well as great potential for learning.

For prospective parents and students alike, promotional video offers an insight into the environment offered by schools and colleges. It’s a chance to confirm the lifestyle and social appeal you offer is right for them, whilst encouraging them to look into your other marketing material to find out more.

School Promotional Video & Video Prospectus

School Promotional Video & Video Prospectus have become key to ticking these kinds of boxes. The younger digital user is especially drawn to video marketing and will click on it in preference to text or photo gallery options. It’s very much their chosen way to engage with brands or organisations, and universities especially have seen increased admissions based upon successful video marketing campaigns.

School Promotional Video & Video Prospectus

Search engines favour web pages with video content, so organisations publishing promotional videos find more users reaching their website. That’s more people continuing through the application processes, and ultimately more admissions. As many schools and universities have found, staying on top of the latest marketing techniques is the key to standing out.

The success of a School Promotional Video & Video Prospectus rests on its ability to answer the questions the viewers are asking. Thinking about what parents and students want to know about your school, college or university before they enrol is a great place to start. Incorporating simple messages about your ethos and showing footage that represents your curriculum and teaching style will ensure a powerful video. The next steps are to consider the practicalities of filming and deciding how you will deliver the final video to prospective parents/students, then watch the admissions grow.


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fortyfoursixteen films

fortyfoursixteen films has over 15 years experience producing high quality video content for leading brands and organisations throughout the UK. Headed up by lead producer Neil Waddington we aim to create innovative, inspiring and engaging video for a wide variety of digital delivery platforms.